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  1. Karen Poe
    January 11, 2014 @ 4:07 am

    I know what you mean! When it comes to reading the fine print on medication bottles, I give up!

    The same with reading the credits at the end of movies broadcast on TV. I don’t have one of those large-screen sets; I don’t understand why the producers don’t realize that many of us don’t. I’d like to appreciate the movies’ actors and technicians, but what was originally meant to be seen on theater screens doesn’t translate very well on normal-size TV screens.

    As a result, it’s often funny how I “parse” words that aren’t immediately recognizable!

    Right on, Rose!


    • Rose Bowen
      January 11, 2014 @ 4:42 am

      Thanks, Karen! And think of how important the words on the medication bottles might be to us! I have noticed more pharmacies including printed versions of instructions, etc., in larger type, with the prescriptions when you pick them up.
      Another trend that makes me semi-crazy as a web developer is this dark grey font on light grey background that so many websites are using. That and those tiny 9 pt fonts. They are probably fine for the 20-somethings who design these things, but for those of us who are older, oy!


  2. Susan Beachley West
    January 13, 2014 @ 4:18 pm

    I also love to read. Books are harder to read for me to read also so I’ve adjusted. I read on my IPad. I can make the print as large as I need. I can bookmark and ‘write in the margins’ just as I always loved to do. The advantages are numerous. I can carry my entire library in my pocketbook. When conversing with someone and I get stuck trying to remember a passage I just whip out my IPad and WAHLAH! Another advantage is that when I least expect it; waiting for a meeting to begin, a friend for lunch, in a doctors office, I can get some reading time where I would otherwise have been frustrated at wasted time.
    Love you Rose. Thanks for your posts.


    • Susan Beachley West
      January 13, 2014 @ 4:19 pm

      …and proof reading is something I need to work on…………….ugh!


      • Rose Bowen
        January 13, 2014 @ 4:36 pm

        LOL. I think our fingers fly before the brain can catch up!


    • Rose Bowen
      January 13, 2014 @ 4:35 pm

      YES! It’s one arena where computers are so handy. I can make the font as large and as dark as needed, which really helps. And when it comes to Bible study, using a computer is neat because I can open a text and click on a concordance or a commentary about that verse and read it all in the same setting. No piles of big bulky books!


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