Changes, changes, changes…
Have you noticed that when the seasons change your life goes into some sort of limbo for a week or two? Mine sure does. We get our sleep cycles out of whack, feel vaguely disoriented and out of step, and then we find our place and get rolling again.
I don’t let stuff like that worry me anymore. I’ve been through enough of these cycles to know that it’s completely normal (at least for me) and stressing over it isn’t going to make it stop happening or make me feel any better about it. I just accept it as part of a lifecycle and keep rolling.
Today that’s how I feel about the election that (Thank God!) is finally over. My word, I didn’t think that thing would EVER come to an end. By the time election day came, I didn’t care anymore who won, who lost or what the issues were. I was just sick of the whole thing and glad it was ending. Overkill, that’s what it was.
So what will happen with the world (and the nation’s) economy? Who knows? None of us can see the future (not even the former Psychic Hotline, who had to file bankruptcy due to "unforeseen circumstances") and I don’t think we have anything to gain by worrying over it. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, and Lord knows there is ENOUGH evil around these days. The only safety and security is going to be found in Him.