Is there poison in your food?
Every day I come across articles about the dangers hidden in our everyday foods. There are pesticides, GMO, artificial sweeteners, toxic chemicals, contamination. I definitely take an interest in this topic. Why? Because I like being alive and don’t want to shorten my life unnecessarily by ingesting toxic substances. I appreciate the warnings about what’s in the food I eat.
I care about my friends’ health enough to let them know when I find something that is harmful, as well as natural therapies for illness, and ways to counteract the toxins in the world around us. I share many of these articles with friends who are very glad to have the information. We all recognize that there are those who care more about the here and now of their corporate profits than about the long term impact their products have on those who buy and consume them. And we need to be alert to changes in our food supply and hazards that might harm our health or the lives of our children and grandchildren.
It’s funny, but when I share articles about poison in spiritual foods (churches, ministries, religious programs and seminars) many of these same people get very offended. The poison in some of these things is every bit as deadly, and the consequences can well be eternal. We have to be even MORE vigilant about potential poisons creeping into the spiritual arena, because like MSG, they can enhance the taste of the food so you desire more and more of it, all the while poisoning your body. That spiritual eyesalve of discernment is sorely lacking in today’s world.