So tired of stupid sales pitches…
I’m going to have to get a CD player to keep nearby when I sleep. Since hitting my 50’s, a solid night’s sleep has been one of the most elusive creatures in my life. I accept this as part of “the change” and don’t stress if I find myself awake at 2 am. I find something to watch on TV until I get sleepy or I get up and read or write until I feel like going back to sleep.
This means being subjected to late night television programming AND late night commercials. These are the times I think I should apply to work for an ad agency where I can write commercials because obviously they have a shortage of intelligent writers out there.
“Save for your baby’s future with Gerber’s Grow Up Plan! Just pennies a day!” they promote this with new parents who obviously want the best for their baby’s future. Hello? They are selling you LIFE INSURANCE on your baby…insurance that pays if your baby DIES. This is a grow-up plan for the future?? I love my baby so much I’m going to buy this life insurance policy on her…and because it’s “WHOLE” life it will build cash value as she grows and be like a savings account for her later. And when she’s 18, she can automatically get her OWN life insurance policy (that pays if she dies!). We’re supposed to assume this is what a responsible parent does for the child they love. They buy a policy that will pay them money if the baby dies…oh yeah, that’s loving!
I’ve always said I didn’t live this close to cattle and horse farmers all these years without learning what that smell is that comes from the barnyard… and I definitely smell it with these commercials. Maybe we should start a national BS award for commercials that really push the envelope in terms of stupidity or absurdity.