The Hurrier I Go…
Somewhere in my childhood I saw a plaque that said, “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!” At the time, I was amused by the wordplay and how clever it seemed. But today the maxim is all too true in my life. The to-do list keeps growing day by day, and I rush here and there, trying to accomplish the tasks and check off another item. Some days the check marks are impressive. But by the end of the day, the list looks as endless as ever. I’ve come to terms with the realization that it is unlikely I will ever see a day when the list is completed. The type A person inside me doesn’t like it, but the pragmatic side of me tells me to get over it, that’s just life. We can become so focused on accomplishing the task that life rushes by and it’s gone before we realize it. A dear friend told me long ago, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. We can be so caught up in getting where we think we want to go that we never enjoy getting there. And wouldn’t that be a tragedy?