Educated Idiots
A song I recorded says, “The more I learn the more I learn I don’t know anything.” and that is so often an overlooked truth. Today a headline reads, “Student Wins Suit After Teacher Says Creationism ‘Superstitious Nonsense.’” A student in California sued his high school teacher for repeatedly stating his anti-Christian viewpoints, and the student won.
It’s a curious situation to have in a country where freedom of speech is supposed to be prized and protected, and the state is supposed to keep its hands off the church and vice versa. Reality is always different from theory, it seems. What ever happened to presenting things in a fair and unbiased fashion? Why can’t a teacher in a public school just start with the premise that none of us alive on the planet today was alive when it all got started, so it’s impossible to know with any certainty just how the solar system and our planet began. Period.
We can believe whatever we choose about the origins of the galaxy and mankind, but in the final analysis, it’s all faith-based. Evolutionists have faith that millions of years ago some kind of compressed matter exploded and formed the universe (or at least our galaxy) and after millions of years life evolved out of that. Creationists believe that a divine Being spoke or created the universe and our world, plants, fish, birds, animals, and human beings. Atheists can believe there is no God and that it doesn’t really matter. We are all free to believe what we choose to believe, and it’s all matter of faith…, which is in itself, religious expression. It’s all a belief in something outside ourselves, an attempt to explain the unexplainable and be comfortable with that belief.
I can believe that I am right and you are wrong to my heart’s content. What you believe is between your ears and it’s your decision. You have the RIGHT to believe or not believe. Or as my science teacher once said, “I can believe you’re wrong and I’m right, but in this country, I fully support your right to be wrong if you choose to.”