New Adventures
In keeping with the theme I started some time ago about ripples in our lives, I thought I would share the latest “wave.” We have begun what some call “simple church” which really means church in our home. After 40+ years of leadership in a traditional church setting, we are testing the waters with a whole new experience.
This is our third week of the adventure and so far the feedback has been VERY positive. About 15 of us meet together for a very basic “no-frills” time that starts with prayer, a Bible story for the kids, and study time as a family-integrated group (all ages together). The study time is completely interactive and very lively. When we’re done, we have a meal together, and spend whatever amount of the afternoon we want, talking about what we’re doing and why, and how to keep it simple and meaningful.
We’re a mixture of all ages, some from different cultures, with a variety of denominational backgrounds. What we have in common is a deep desire for a genuine focus on Scripture and how to live what we read there. Our studies follow the simple framework: What does it say? What does it mean? What do I do with it?
For the past year or more, most of us have met on Friday evenings, but all went to our own churches on the weekend. But over the months, our time together has been much more appealing than the generally “traditional” format in our local churches. Various ones have suggested that we just make this our church permanently. So here we are…don’t know where this will lead, but we are definitely enjoying the journey!
Laurie Steen Killingsworth on Facebook
July 30, 2014 @ 6:03 am
This is sooo awesome! LOVE IT!!